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Veľtrhy a výstavy 2004
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Corinex Group, a.s.

Profile of the worldwide broadband wireless technology leader
Corinex Group is a well-known Information Technology company that has grown internationally through the capitalization on its wealth of experience as one of the largest information and communication companies in the Slovak Republic.
Since our inception, our goal has always been to transfer our knowledge base in network systems integration from Slovakia to the world market. We wanted our own wireless technology to provide effective solutions to "last mile" and "last foot" network requirements worldwide.
Starting with the development of some of the largest asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks in the Slovak Republic, including:
WAN ATM network for Slovak Power
ATM network for the Slovak Telecom
Network infrastructure for both the Mochovce and the Jaslovske Bohunice Slovak nuclear power stations
Integrated Information System project for the Slovak Gas Industry (SPP), our goal has steadily been fulfilled.
We now possess the technological expertise that enables us to compete world-wide. In a short six-month period, Corinex Group has achieved a distinguished presence in Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Korea, Poland, Taiwan, the UK and the USA. Currently, we are actively reinforcing our strength in the American and Australian markets with the opening of new offices in Melbourne and the world-recognized Silicon Valley. Revenues totalling billions of dollars (US) are reliably projected by some of our partners preparing new network infrastructures using Corinex technology.
Corinex technology is providing exciting new opportunities in the form of innovative and customized services for all our clients who include incumbent telco operators, new and established network operators and providers of data and Internet services. Our technology leadership is based on our continuous developments in R&D as well as cooperation with key technology players within the world-wide broadband wireless industry. Through OEM agreements, we license our innovative technologies and products to other world-class manufacturers.
One of many unique advantages of Corinex is its ability to fully address all of the complexities of today's networking demands and provide its customers with their own private, self-managed and reliable networks. Corinex focuses on the wireless connectivity market, primarily making use of today's 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz license-free ISM bands. Corinex offers a complete line of products starting with wireless hardware products including CorinexÔ PowerNet and the CorinexÔ Link Series, with its configurable support for multiple Ethernet, X.21 and V.35 interfaces. Complimenting its hardware products are its own software products including CorinexÔ Man for complete remote network management and CorinexÔ Bill 3.x for comprehensive automated client billing.
In addition to effective solutions provided by its hardware and software products, Corinex provides our customers with a complete range of support and technological services. It begins with professional marketing studies and consulting services during the pre-sales stage. It continues with on-time delivery of products and support during the initial implementation of new network solutions and it seamlessly continues with responsive after-sales support to help ensure our customers' networks keep working. Together, Corinex provides effective broadband wireless solutions that enable its customers to transfer a variety of data including video, Internet and voice carried on their own personal and self-managed networks.
The outstanding abilities of Corinex has allowed us to respond to rapidly changing market conditions such as the de-regulation of the telecommunication industries, the domination of data over voice, the rapid growth of Virtual Private Network (VPN) services, an insatiable requirement for more bandwidth and the demand for real flexibility in services. This naturally has led Corinex to position itself as a leading firmware developer and systems integrator providing products that are on the cutting edge of wireless and power line technologies.
We believe that Corinex Group will continue with its significant contributions to broadband wireless applications, making wireless technology THE dominant "last foot" and "last mile" connectivity solution.
Peter Sobotka


Bude prevládať všeobecne priaznivé počasie s pozitívnym vplyvom na zdravotný stav a celkovú fyzickú a psychickú pohodu. Dobrý telesný a duševný stav podmieňuje dobrú výkonnosť a reakčnú schopnosť, čomu napomáha aj priaznivý vplyv počasia na kvalitu spánku, ktorý je pokojný a občerstvujúci. Pacienti so srdcovo-cievnymi ochoreniami by sa však mali šetriť, vyhýbať sa nezvyčajnej námahe a stresom. Môže byť sklon k vyššej pulzovej frekvencii. Meteosenzitívni, vegetatívne labilní ľudia s nízkym tlakom krvi môžu reagovať zvýšenou náchylnosťou k migrénam a pocitom závratu.Zajtra očakávame naďalej pretrvávanie priaznivých účinkov počasia. V priemyselných oblastiach možnosť zvýšenia dýchacích ťažkostí.(zč)

Dnes bude jasno alebo len malá oblačnosť. Najvyššia denná teplota 23 až 27 stupňov. Slabý premenlivý vietor. Teplota na horách vo výške 1500 metrov 14 stupňov. V utorok a stredu bude jasno až polojasno a cez deň veľmi teplo. Najnižšia nočná teplota 12 až 7 stupňov, v horských dolinách miestami okolo 5, v stredu na juhozápade okolo 15 stupňov, najvyššia denná teplota vystúpi na 24 až 28 stupňov, v stredu na juhozápade na 30 stupňov. Slnko vyjde zajtra o 5.13 a zapadne o 20.24 hod.


Odber plynu

Na dnešný deň platí v rozvodnej sústave zemného plynu odberový stupeň č. 3.Tlak

Údaje o priemernom barometrickom tlaku v kPa za 11. 5. 2000: Bratislava 99,78, Sliač 97,79, Košice 98,76, Poprad 93,50, za 12. 5. 2000: Bratislava 99,91, Sliač 97,95, Košice 99,03, Poprad 93,64, za 13. 5. 2000: Bratislava 100,54, Sliač 98,48, Košice 99,54, Poprad 94,13. .


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